do not copy i will tell!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Egyptains like to play games together.they played dice, knuckle-bones  and  checkers. They played a game like snakes and ladders called senet.  kids played  with toys like balls,animals,dolls and spinning tops.The toys were made out of wood and fabric. Older kids played wrestling,piggy back and shooting stuff. They loved music.They played the harp lute and the flute. The dancers use rattles.Guests wear cones on their heads of grease on their heads.


My board game is just like snakes and ladders but it is  called slides and ladders. The rules are you roll the 1-6 dice if it lands on a number you move that many numbers .If you  get to 25 you win. If you land the ladder you move up. If you land on a slide you move back.